Descriptive statistics

Question One
The derivation of the hypothesis follows the examination of companies that have already adopted the RFID technology in their daily operations against those that have ignored the technology. The examination of this technology has followed assertions that these companies able to record improved performances in their productivity as a result of its adoption. Examining these businesses has lead to the discovery that the organizations able to share precise inventory data as well as their network of supply chain product flow between the suppliers and their retailers. The additional benefits recorded from the research as a result of adopting the RFID technology entails the reduction of scanning errors since they rely on the wireless automated scanning. The cutting of the costs of the manpower required to undertake these scans additionally presents the other advantage that improves their productivity. The technology has led to the reduction of the stock outs thus improving the degree of customer satisfaction and the consequent customer loyalty and improved revenues for the businesses.
The comparison of these companies employing the RFID technology against those that were not using the technology offers an opportunity to test for the relevance of the technology. Thus, the research focuses on using the performance of companies using RFID against companies in the same industry not using the technology. The emphasis of the study is to determine whether the performance is different for those adopting the technology against those ignoring the RFID technology.
 Thus, the research hypotheses include:
·         When companies employ the RFID in their production processes, performance increases.
·         The number of returning customer loyalty increase for the companies adopting RFID technology.
·         Companies that adopt the RFID technology have increased revenues
·         There are less disciplinary issues for the companies employing RFID technology.
·         Companies using RFID technology indicate fewer stock outs
Question Two
The comparisons using one-way ANOVA will encompass the attempt to understand the difference in the performance amongst the companies following the adoption of the RFID technology. The test will involve the examination of the differences in three points of the adoption of the technology. It will include assessing the performance immediately before the adoption, three months after the adoption as well as six months after the adoption of the RFID technology in their production processes.
In this case, the dependent variable is going to be the performance of the companies while by independent variable is going to be the RFID adoption. In analyzing the data using SPSS, the groups are separated by creating the group called adoption encompassing the independent variable. For the companies that adopted RFID, they were given vale of “1” while those that did not receive value “2”. The duration in the comparison was given the value of name Time encompassing the dependent variable.
The descriptive table will be providing the resource descriptive statistics encompassing the mean, standard deviation as well as the 95% confidence intervals relating to the dependent variable Time for every group. These groups will encompass the just before, three months and six months as well as after combining all the groups (total).
The ANOVAs table, on the other hand, indicates the ANOVAs analysis output and if we have a statistically significant variation between the group means. On the occasion significance level is less than 0.05, and then there is a statistically significant difference in the mean of the duration taken to adopt the RFID technology and between the diverse companies. On the other hand is the significance level is more than 0.05, and then there is not statistical significance in the mean of the time in adopting the RFID technology between the diverse companies.
The utilization of the multiple comparisons assists in establishing the group that is different from the other. We utilize the Sheffe Test even though there are others in conducting the posthoc test on the one-way ANOVAs. It also makes it possible for the comparisons of the specific groups of interest to us. The Sheffe Test reveals whether the duration taken to adopt the technology fully significantly improves the performance or not.
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